
Here is a list of products or brands or literally anything under the sun that I would recommend for you to have. Of course, everyone would have different tastes and preferences, but these items have definitely given me a lot more value in my life (or at least helped me survive this journey as parenthood), and hope that they will give that same spark to your life.

And as I am an advocate of minimalism, I again encourage you to only choose what would benefit you and not add further clutter to your home (we parents have enough mess and toys to know what to deal with).

Furthermore, if you can get these items in your local thrift store, borrow them in your local library, or even have them blessed from your local parent support group, I fully support this decision!


The Whole-Brain Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child’s Developing Mind – This book is definitely ‘revolutionary’ as the name suggests. The authors, Dr. Dan and Dr. Tina have elaborated in this book practical and uncommon ways to help raise our child to become emotionally resilient and capable adults. What’s more, these strategies are backed by research and maybe just what us new parents need in this fast-paced society.

Mother of Peace: A Memoir by Hak Ja Han Moon – As a person who is raised with the ideals thought by Father and Mother Moon, this book encapsulates her life-story and experiences to build the peaceful world that God has envisioned since the creation of man. It is also filled with guidance and inspirational words to help keep that dream of One Human Family Under God alive and burning. A must-read for us parents to guide us in doing our part in building this peaceful world, a world that we parents wish for our future children to thrive in. 

Montessori From The Start: The Child at Home, from Birth to Age Three – I’ve just recently stumbled upon the Montessori Philosophy, and resonates with how I plan to raise my child. Well, more of what the philosophy hopes to make our children out, which are independent little humans who contribute to society.  And this is one book that gives an introduction to how I can apply these principles in our own home. Hope this can also help you have a better idea of how the Montessori Philosophy can be applied in your own home. 

How To Raise An Amazing Child the Montessori Way – This is another amazing parenting resource if you wish to implement the Montessori philosophy in your home. It shows a lot of illustrations, portrays a lot of activities and actionable practices that you can start immediately depending on the stage where your child is at (but more so for toddlers, in my humble opinion). It’s written in the true Montessori fashion on how to instill independence, creativity, and even peaceful activities in your child. A true gem for us parents (at least for me, the parent) who’s always in need of guides and checklists to thrive in this journey.